Monday 28 November 2011

Thing 18

Jing and podcasts - I cannot say that those tools were new to me, but I'm not an expert and it was really good to get a reminder!

Jing - I have found it really useful, but I don't like the downloading bit. I have used screenr before, which doesn't require installation. My next project will be - "How to search catalogue" screen recording with subtitles and voiceover. In September I made a presentation, so more or less I have all material I need.
I also really like Instant Presenter and DimDim. They are online conferencing tools, that allow to share your screen with participants. Found them very useful, when taking part in JISC seminars online. It was absolutely amazing to be at work with my headphones and take part in the training. That's what I call well spent lunch break:) 

Podcasts - I went to the training about podcasts not so long ago and I had a go at creating one. I have found it quite easy, but unfortunately I haven't got time to actually use them in the library yet. There are some great ideas for podcasts, for example: virtual library tour, researching tips and book reviews (from Behind the bookshelves).
Even if I hadn't made one, I do use them and find them extremely useful for learning languages.

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