Sunday 13 November 2011

Thing 13

Google Docs -I am using google docs quite regularly and I really like the collaboration that it enables. I have recommended it to various pepole as a way of getting students together and allowing them working on one document. For that purpose there is also an excellent collaboration tool - iEtherPad It allows many people edit the same document in real-time - great for gathering feedback, opinions, brainstorming.

Wikis - I have run some staff development sessions last year on using wikis, blogs and social networking in education. I prepared myself with materials from very basic to quite advanced and I remember being quite surprised how many people didn't know what wikis are (in plain English series was as always extremely useful here - I love it). In my own practice - I have created our department wiki to put our ideas and rules and it got really positive feedback. Will it be used? So far so good:)

Dropbox - it's the first time I have come across this tool and I really like it. I think it has huge potential for students' collaboration and gives great opportunity to work together with others on projects, conference papers, etc. Definitely something to use!

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