Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Thing 5

Reflective writing = impossible

Unfortunately I have never been a great writer and I will always envy people who can put their thoughts into sentences effortlessly. Now it's even more difficult as English is not may native language, so whenever I would have difficulties in my mother tongue, they seem to multiply x10 (at least!:))

Reflective writing = challenge

The only thing I can do is to treat this as a challenge. I have to be able to do good reflective writing for my Chartership portfolio, so I have to 'exercise'. Blog seems to be a perfect place to do so. I have started a little bit shy, testing whole idea of having a blog - and actually writing regularly - and hopefully this can will help me develop these difficult writing skills.

Well I am 'electronic' librarian - love reading, but always been better with numbers:)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Real life networking

I have registered for real life event in London!

Thursday 21st JulyLondon event, 6.00pm – 7:45pm, CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE, #CILIPLNDN #CPD23.

Can't wait!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Today's reading - information literacy

Excellent website - all about information literacy - http://www.informationliteracy.org.uk/

Information literacy is my big plan for next year. I have been delivering some sessions this and previous year, but this summer those sessions will convert into proper information skills plan.

I like CILIP definition:
“Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner.” 

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Thing 4

I have twitter account
and I have tried couple
of times to keep on top
of it, but still cannot
get my head round it.
Maybe this time...

The only problem is that
I use IE at work, so I will
have to wait untill they
make version for Explorer,
but I like the idea

I use it and find it simple
but amazing help in
keeping up to date

Couple of weeks ago, I have found Symbaloo - online startpage that helps you organise all your bookmarks. I haven't entirely decided yet if I like it or not, but it looks really 'cool' :)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Today's tool - online photo editing

Three amazing tools to use when you don't have / don't know Photoshop:

Add various effects to your photos
No registration required, free

Advanced photo editor and simple tool to add retro effects to photos
No registration required, free

 Photo editor and collage maker
Free and without registration

Any ideas how to use it in libraries?
-       More attractive posters, leaflets
-       Funky or retro photos of librarians :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Thing 3.5

For a while I have been thinking about branding our college library. So I did a really quick search for a library logos and... taht was all I could find.
The first logo is great, because it's a result of contest for students.
Any body has their own brand? brand within the institution? Good idea?

library logo final medium.jpgMid-Continent Public Library logo.pngFile:Toronto Public Library logo.png

Monday, 4 July 2011

Thing 3

Interesting activity...

First thing that comes up is my Linkedin profile - that's fine one may think, except that I don't use it at all and haven't updated it probably in last 6 years! Oh, I have to sort that out.

The next thing that comes up is my PDA case study that I wrote while doing NIACE training.

I was wondering if that's good or bad. People are more aware and cautious when it comes to sharing personal things online and try to make it unvisible for people they may have professional contact with. But what about the other way round? Should you only be defined online by your professional life?

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Thing 2

Soooo overwhelming! So many blogs and so many interesting people - love it! I'm just a little bit concerned how to find time to read it all, coment and interact.
So I had a search for librarians from FE Colleges and found 'L' in the RC, Only libraries have an answer (true!:) , Paulamarie and Behind the bookshelves,

I also keep my eye on some other blogs - mostly iLibrarian and The Unquiet Librarian

Side effect of this exercise - first time I have seen really amazing use of Delicious bookmarks!